Claramunt continues working on the impulse of the olive oil

Claramunt continues working on the impulse of the olive oil

At Claramunt we do not stop working to put the Olive Oil from Jaén to the height that corresponds to it as a gastronomic benchmark. It is the basis of our diet and is part of our history For all this, whenever we have the opportunity, we participate in initiatives that seek to promote the most precious liquid gold in the province of Jaén.

In recent months we have participated in Extra Virgin Olive Oil tastings organized by the International University of Andalusia, in blogger competitions held on the occasion of Tierra Adentro or we have joined as partners and participants in the activities it launches the Olive and Olive Oil Interpretation Center, including tasting courses for catering professionals.

It should be noted in this regard, the presence of our exceptional Claramunt Oil at the ‘First Harvest Oils Festival’, a promotional action that served to create synergies between the world of olive groves and tourism, in addition to publicizing the benefits and properties that extra virgin olive oil contributes to health.
But it is not only necessary to take into account external initiatives to promote the oil; the best ambassador will always be quality. That is why at Claramunt we are very concerned about producing each of our varieties and brands with care, emphasizing that each of the processes, from cultivation to bottling, contribute to the production of extra virgin olive oil with the maximum quality.