26 Jun Consumption of EVOO helps reduce the risk of heart attack

EVOO and the Mediterranean diet reduce heart attack and stroke by 30 percent
Predimed and Predimed Plus are the names of the last two medical studies that have shown that the Mediterranean Diet, and the Extra Virgin Olive Oil as the basis of it, allow, in addition to losing kilos, to be healthier and happier. Specifically, the study presented by the professor of preventive medicine and public health at the University of Navarra, Miguel Ángel Martínez González, during the ‘Science and Health’ cycle held in Malaga, the consumption of extra virgin olive oil and the rest of The products of the Mediterranean diet help to reduce by 30% the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.
Martínez González also highlighted the importance of this type of diet in the face of current trends with which people ‘have stopped eating wisely”, which has originated “an unthinkable obesity epidemic”as they have spent less than 100 years in the world million obese in 1975 to more than 700 million today.
For the professor of preventive medicine, the Mediterranean diet, among other habits such as “more shoe and less plate” are essential to reverse this situation.
More and more studies
There are more and more studies that support the intake of Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a product that improves the health of regular consumers. Among its proven properties is the reduction of cholesterol considered “bad” and the increase of “good”.
In addition, the oil is a source of essential and non-essential fatty oils, with beneficial properties for the body such as Omega 3 and Omega 6, among other lesser-known but also present.
As we well known in the Claramunt family, to preserve all the properties of the oil it is necessary to be demanding and careful in the selection processes to obtain a quality oil that maintains all those characteristics that make it, in addition to being tasty, a healthy product.