26 Jun Beetroot salmorejo

Ingredients for 4 people
• A package of 4 5-piece beets.
• Bread from the day before. Eye to eye as we like it more or less thick.
• 1 large garlic without heart.
• 70 ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil variety Frantoio.
• ½ teaspoon of Claramunt delicatessen vinegar
• ½ teaspoon of Claramunt delicatessen vinegar
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 50gr grated Parmesan cheese
• Chives
• Crunch Cookies
Our recipe step by step
Step 1
In Termomix or blender we introduce the beet that we have previously cut into squares, the bread that we have put in soak to soften, the garlic, extra virgin olive oil Claramunt Frantoio, the vinegar and salt.
Step 2
Select in Termomix 6 minutes at power 10 and beat. In blender shred until you get a cream of soft appearance. We correct salt and vinegar.
Step 3
Strain with a food processor or large strainer and reserve in the fridge.
Step 4
Grate the Parmesan cheese or cut it into small flakes, for that we can help ourselves from a peeler.
Step 5
Cut the chives into tiny pieces.
We put it in a nice bowl that we have, if it can be, of glass, for the colors it has, it is very bright, as you like. We will put the salmorejo with care not to stain the plate, on top a little grated cheese or in flakes and sprinkle a little bit of chive and a few drops of frantoio and we will finish with our crunch as a comb.